Member to member offers
When you become a member, you can both provide and get access to the member-to-member offers - currently there are £1000s worth of offers that you can take advantage of.
Typically these could be:
- Free audits/healthchecks/reviews
- Taster sessions
- Discounted services/products
- Free/discounted spaces on workshops
- Buy one, get one free offers
- Additional bonus(es) for buying product/service
- Cashback on a purchase
- A voucher to use against sales
The networking sessions are always very lively and enjoyable, and I have found many of the additional training sessions invaluable. By far the biggest benefit for me however, is the feeling of community. I really enjoy coming together with others in similar situations and having the opportunity to broaden my business network. Most importantly, no matter how much life gets in the way of me being able to attend meetings, I’ve always been warmly welcomed back into the fold and almost forgotten I was ever away!
Nicola Hawkins - My Aide
A great group of people. Meetings are well structured and the format is helpful to meeting a number of people. The additional features of being a member with having access to all members and lots of other features too numerous to mention.
Paul Simpson - TaxAssist Market Harborough
From starting my own business just over 12 months ago, the support of this network group has been amazing. It is great value for money and there are free workshops to help you build your business. I would highly recommend The Business Community.
Nicky Buckley - East Midlands HR
The Business Community has been extremely helpful to my business. The meetings are well run - they have a well-defined structure, but have a good mix of formality and informality. I enjoy meeting other members, have made some good connections, got great business advice from Paul and the wider group and, last but not least, gained work whose value is several times the cost of membership.
Mark Coster - Pixooma